Legal statement

  1. General rules

  2. Entering and using the website of Velence Corso Service Facility is allowed only with the following conditions and if being in accordance with the law of Hungary.

  3. Copyright

  4. The Velence Corso Service Facility website is copyrighted. GOMI Event organiser and Trading Ltd. is the owner or the authorised user of the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of any text, image, sound, software and other related materials.

    The user is entitled to read the Velence Corso Service Facility website and to make prints, downloads and copies of the contents for other persons. This can be done, in all cases, only for personal, informative and non-commercial purposes. It is prohibited to sell a copy of any part of the website, or to transmit it for commercial gains, furthermore, it is prohibited to apply it in any other publication or website.

  5. Trademarks

  6. All the trademarks (brand names, logos, etc) used on Velence Corso Service Facility website are owned by Velence Corso Service Facility.

  7. Website content

  8. Information on the website is uploaded in good faith and only for informative purposes. Other than that, nothing can be built on this information. The Velence Corso Service Facility does not guarantee the accuracy and entirety of the information.

    Neither Velence Corso, not its employees, representatives are liable for any accidental losses, damages, expenses (including, without restriction, any arrears of profit, indirect, incidental or consequential losses, as well) which originate from entering and using the Velence Corso Service Facility website.

    Velence Corso Service Facility reserves the right - if it considers - to perform any changes, repairs on its website without prior notice.

  9. Related websites

  10. Velence Corso Service Facility may contain links (so-called. Hyperlinks or hyper-references), which provide automatic connectivity to other sites on the internet. These related websites are sometimes associated with third-party ownership or management.

    For the related web sites Velence Corso Service Facility only mediate access, but does not undertake responsibility for the websites or the information placed on them, not even if they are approved by any employee or representative of Velence Corso Service Facility.

  11. Privacy - collection and use of personal data

  12. Velence Corso Service Facility respects the personal rights and data of its website visitors. By personal data we mean the data, which can identify the website visitors, including name, address, telephone number and e-mail address.

    Velence Corso Service Facility records only personal data that is voluntarily provided by the website visitor. After sharing your personal information with us, we are authorized to use that information for specifically defined purposes described on the website.

    Your personal data will be in the Velence Corso Service Facility database. If you do not wish to contribute your data to future uses, please inform us about it on the following e-mail address:

    The personal data, that was voluntarily provided, - unless otherwise agreed and specified on the website - may be used by Velence Corso Service Facility as follows:

    • For the purpose of delivery: Name and address
    • For information about Velence Corso's promotions and events by letters, e-mails or telephone calls.
    • For promotional purposes of related shops in Velence Corso (to participate in lotteries, newsletter sending, recommended products/ services).
    • Also, if winning a gift, for publications of the winner on the website of Velence Corso Service Facility.

    For the protection of personal data when using certain services (Forum) only your given nickname is stated.

    If shipments are mailed to you, we must give your details to other companies, in order to obtain the packages smoothly and as quickly as possible. These suppliers and other companies will no longer be entitled to any form of use of your personal information. Please note that it is our duty to issue your personal information when the law, court order or other official order require it from us.

    Our website can save information from your computer such as IP address (a number that identifies the machine in all cases, when you visit a website), your browser type, your computer's operating system. This will ensure that our site provides a true web experience and effective source of information for its visitors. This information is not personal data.

    We take all the reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is secured. Access to any personal information you provided is strictly limited to prevent unauthorised access, alteration of personal data and unauthorised use.

  13. About the functions of the website

  14. Use of games:

    If you use these pages, online games and other applications, or take part in competitions, you acknowledge that the website operating companies can deny the release of the prizes in such cases when there is a risk that the prize was obtained due to the website's fault, or games dysfunctions, regardless of whether these errors and the abnormal operations of the site can be associated with the website operating companies or with external causes.

    User disclosures:

    Materials, information or other publications sent/transferred by you to the present pages(eg. writing in forums, postcard wording) should not be considered neither confidential nor legally protected.The website operating companies do not undertake responsibilty in connection with these publications. It is prohibited to send any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or otherwise unlawful materials to or from the present pages.


    The website operating companies shall be entitled, but not obliged to check or screen those parts of the pages or their contents, where users send publications to or where users communicate solely with each other, including but not limited to chat rooms, bulletin boards and other user forums.

    The website operating companies do not accept liability related to the content of the publications regarding any copyright or defamation, private interests and the protection of privacy, obscene materials or legislation of any other unlawful actions. The website operating companies reserve the right to remove from the website unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or otherwise unlawful materials or other texts that qualify as such and which harm the interests of the website operating companies or third parties.

  15. The change of Legal Publications

  16. We reserve the right to change, which Velence Corso Service Facility uses in its sole discretion, but in all cases informs the users about it in this part of the website.

Today's weather

8 °C

Water temp.: 11°C
2,23 km/h E wind
Humidity: 69%

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General Interest

A Velencei-tó Kapuja és a Velence Korzó kamerákkal megfigyelt terület. Ezen felül - időszakosan - rendőri jelenlét is segíti munkánkat.
Ennek köszönhetően sikerült eredményesen közreműködni a rendkívüli események elhárításában, a bűncselekmények gyors és eredményes felderítésében.