
The idea of the project called "The Gate of Lake Velence" was born in 2006, then in 2008 with the combined financial support of the European Union, Hungary and the city of Velence the execution of the investment began.

The Gate of Lake Velence and the Velence Corso Service Facility were designed and built with a purposeful improvement conception and were handed over on 30 May 2014

The Gate of Lake Velence and the Velence Corso are becoming such social spaces where the balance between shopping and entertainment, work and resting comes true and where families, friends and business partners can gain shared experiences.

This project resulted in the renewal of the southern part of Velence. In addition to the charm of nature and Lake Velence there are many tourist attractions and services. Also several high quality programmes are held in Velence Corso.

The Gate of Lake Velence is a well-designed, unique and multidimensional centre which was created to meet the needs of the locals and tourists.

Few details:

  • 3500 sqm sandy free beach
  • 5500 sqm service facility
  • 2735 sqm shop area

This trading, entertaining and tourist centre offers the essence of a city centre, a social and event centre, a promenade, a service facility and a high quality free beach with recreational spaces in one.

Our highlighted attention is dedicated to improve the cultural life of this area. We are planning to ensure forums to the well-known and appreciated individuals of the cultural life of our country, which can contribute to the development of the social-intellectual life in Velence.

Today's weather

8 °C

Water temp.: 11°C
2,23 km/h E wind
Humidity: 69%

Events calendar

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General Interest

A Velencei-tó Kapuja és a Velence Korzó kamerákkal megfigyelt terület. Ezen felül - időszakosan - rendőri jelenlét is segíti munkánkat.
Ennek köszönhetően sikerült eredményesen közreműködni a rendkívüli események elhárításában, a bűncselekmények gyors és eredményes felderítésében.